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The Luxembourg-American Chamber of Commerce comprises companies and
individuals, both from Luxembourg and abroad, who wish to establish and
develop economic or trading activities with North American or Luxembourg
entities, whatever sector they may operate in.
Belonging to the LACC provides members with the opportunity of selecting the
very best way to expand their operations and goals into other countries, with
advantageous access to foreign markets and favoring multiple opportunities for
expansion and growth, the fruit of this interaction.
As a member of the Luxembourg-American Chamber of Commerce you will:
- Make valuable business contacts
- Market yourself and your business
- Attend interesting, pertinent business events that keep you in
tune with the global business environment - Receive up-to-date information on relevant economic
developments in Luxembourg and North-America
Platinum Membership
The Platinum Members are recognized as leaders in the Luxembourg-American business community and are dedicated to making a substantial commitment to its interests and welfare. Platinum Members receive special recognition including: the right to be represented and to vote at the LACC Annual General Meeting, Directorship to the LACC Board of Directors and up to 6 (six) individuals listed as additional delegates to receive invitation to LACC events, a featured article in the Business Journal as well as complimentary copies of the Business journal, their logo displayed for sponsorship in each issue of the Business Journal in a given year, and are posted on the LACC website with a short description of the company. The annual membership dues are $1,800 (eighteen hundred dollars).
Sustaining Membership
The Sustaining Members constitute a special business group. They are recognized as leaders in the Luxembourg-American business community and are dedicated to making a substantial commitment to the Chamber’s interests and welfare. The Members receive special recognition, including: Directorship to the Board of Directors and up to 6 (six) individuals listed as additional delegates, complimentary copies of the Business Journal, and is posted on the LACC website. The annual membership dues are $800 (eight hundred dollars).
Corporate Membership
The Corporate Members are the backbone of the Luxembourg American Chamber of Commerce and are active participants in Luxembourg-American business community. The Corporate Members benefit from the Chamber’s support and promotion activities, are posted on the LACC’s website, receives complimentary copies of the Journal, and may be nominated to the Board of Directors. The annual membership dues are $400 (four hundred dollars)
Individual Membership
Individual Members are either startup companies or small independent businesses. The Individual Members benefit from Chamber’s activities on business partnership, trade and investment issues. The purpose of the LACC is to provide advice and customized support. The annual membership dues are $200 (two hundred dollars).